Why FemmaBiotic?
FemmaBiotic, an innovative vaginal probiotic developed in collaboration with leading Swiss and European health product manufacturers, is the result of many years of work of a large number of experts who aimed to provide an innovative product with scientifically proven and clinically confirmed effects. Highly focused on quality and origin of each substance, FemmaBiotic is specially formulated and adapted to women of all ages from these regions.
Normal vaginal flora is of great importance for women’s complete health and represents a natural protection from vaginal infections. Vaginal flora consists of “good” bacteria – lactobacilli, which prevent the growth and reproduction of microorganisms and in that way prevent the occurrence of vaginal infections.
FemmaBiotic affects vaginal flora by:
- Restoring the vaginal flora
- Increasing the number of lactobacilli
- Regulating vaginal PH
- Preventing the occurrence of vaginal and urinary infections
The key to good intimate health
Triple effect
- Establishes a normal vaginal flora
- Prevents the occurrence of urinary tract infections
- Restores and maintains a healthy gut flora
Key benefits and features:
- Clinically proven strain stability
- It is thermostable and keeping it in the fridge is not necessary
- Oral use
- Safe for use
- No side effects
- In pregnancy it can be used from day one to delivery
- It can also be used during the menstrual cycle
- No interactions with other medications
- The high concentration of lactobacilli